The Faculty of Clinical Sciences
- Anaesthesiology
- Medicine and Surgery
- Histopathology
- Medicine
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Ophthalmology
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Paediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Radiology
- Surgery
*Programme – Degree in View: MBBS
The Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences
- Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Anatomical Pathology
- Haematology
- Chemical Pathology
- Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
The Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
- Anatomy (B.Sc. Anatomy)
- Biochemistry (B.Sc. Biochemistry)
- Human nutrition and dietetics (B.Sc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Pharmacology (B.Sc. Pharmacology)
- Physiology (B.Sc. Physiology)
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
- Medical laboratory science (B.MLS)
- Nursing science (B.NSc.)
- Physiotherapy (B.PT)
- Radiography & Radiation Sciences (B.Sc.)
- Optometry (O.D.)
- Dental Technology (B.Sc. Dental Technology)
- Environmental Health Science (B.Sc. Environmental Health Science)
- Prosthetics and Orthotics (B.Sc. Prosthetics and Orthotics)
Basic Science Unit
This unit will offer basic Science course in Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics to students of all faculties as requires by the BMAS of all academic programmes.
General & Entrepreneurial Studies Unit
The general studies courses which will be compulsory for all undergraduate students are intended to help students develop and improve their communicative skills, imbibe self-reliance and independence through the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, appreciate society in its cultural, social and religious diversity and appreciate the principles and basic tenets of science.
The general studies courses to be mounted by the PAMO University of Medical Sciences will be those stipulated by the NUC Minimum Academic Standards and these are:
GST 111: Communication in English (2 Units)
GST 113: Nigerian Peoples and Culture (2 Units)
GST 121: Use of Library, study skills and Information Communication
Technology (ICT) (2 Units)
GST 122: Communication in French (2 Units) OR GST 123: Communication in Arabic (2 Units)
GST 211: Communication in English II (2 Units)
GST 212: Logic Philosophy and Human Existence (2 Units)
GST 22I: History and Philosophy of Science (2 Units)
GST 222: Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (2 Units)
GST 223: Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills (2 Units)
GST 311: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Studies (2 Units)